lot of people were pleased at how the ICO’s conference on Monday went. Only a few nerves were frayed as delegates
walked past a good natured picket line to get into the actual conference venue.
Times are tough, and people need a way of letting off steam. If the
demonstration helped raise awareness of their feelings, then all well and good.
only the second time that demonstrators have been seen outside an ICO
conference. The first occasion was back in the days when Richard Thomas was Information Commissioner, when a motley crew turned up to protest outside Manchester's swanky Lowry Hotel,
evidently unhappy that privacy professionals were meeting to attend a
conference on Privacy Impact Assessments. (Don’t ask why – it was a long time
inside, it was down to the usual stuff. The market stalls were pretty busy –
exhibitors represented the private sector as well as the not for profit
organisations this time. Introductions were made. Contact details were
exchanged. The gallant National Association of Data Protection Officers crew,
always so eager to comply with DP laws, even displayed a privacy notice on
their raffle tickets. Did people want to win a £25 M&S voucher but not be
contacted by NADPO after the event? If they did, they could exercise that
usual soundbites were uttered by the usual suspects. The ICO is “bringing clarity to a confusing
and complex landscape of guidance, standards ad practices”. Such a remark couldn’t
be made by (at least) some other European privacy regulators, who don’t
particularly appear to see it as their job to simplify local laws.
about behaviours, not compliance” – again a remark that some other privacy
regulators might think twice about making.
protection is not an absolute right. We have to be there to ensure that rights
are adequately applied.” Ouch. The folks manning the Fundamental Rights Agency
won’t like an approach as pragmatic as that.
ICO is in the possibilities business just as much as it is in the prohibition
business.” Wham. Not every regulator seems to wish to engage with data
controllers (and data subjects, to be fair) as does the ICO.
is more to life than the Regulation.” Pow. A welcome reminder that life goes
on, and that many of the issues that are faced by privacy professionals won’t
change – even when the new legal framework is known. People should concentrate
on trying to comply with the current law. It may be 14 years old, but it still
presents very significant challenges to a large number of organisations.
course, the real benefit to such events is what is transacted at the margins of
the meeting. And with some 700 privacy professionals packed together, tongues
do start to wag. Privacy folk can be a notoriously indiscreet bunch.
best news (for the private sector) is that, with the exception of enforcing the
marketing rules, the ICO’s sights are pretty firmly set on the public sector.
This year will see national health institutions gearing up for compulsory ICO audits.
Next on the ICO’s target list is local government. After all, that is where a
lot of sensitive personal data is being processed. And where an awful lot of
damage can be inflicted on an awful lot of people.
about criminal penalties for people who commit data protection offences? That
old chestnut? Unlikely. Despite a law just waiting to come into force, the
problem lies in the (lack of suficient) political will to bring the relevant
provisions into force. Data Protection Minister Simon Hughes was keen to stress
that the fault did not lie with the Liberal Democratic wing of the coalition

left the conference venue on a note of optimism. Things aren’t all bad – and
the ICO is determined to offer those who try to comply a helping hand. And,
when the new European data protection framework is clearer, the ICO plans to be
around to adopt a particularly British approach to regulation. It won’t simply be
about ticking boxes and admonishing Google & Facebook.
Despite whatever rules come into force, it appears that the ICO will continue to play fair with data controllers that care.
Despite whatever rules come into force, it appears that the ICO will continue to play fair with data controllers that care.