Who benefits most when utility companies replace existing gas and
electric meters with what is becoming known as "smart meters"? These new meters are the next generation of
meters, which can offer a range of benefits for both the individual electricity
and gas consumer and for the electricity and gas systems in general.
For consumers, I guess the principal issue is whether their
introduction will result in financial savings, by reducing consumption of gas
and electricity.
The answer, at least from a pilot study carried out in Ireland in
2011, is evidently yes. On average, the saving could amount to 2.9%. Naturally,
some people will save more than others. But surprisingly (to me at least),
those who are likely to save the most don’t belong to social classes A and B.
According to the report: “Participants
with the highest and lowest education and social grade education are least
likely to reduce usage. This may reflect motivation (among those with AB social
grade) and communication (among those with lower social grades C2 and DE).
While efforts were made in the communications strategy to be inclusive, the
difference may reflect more fundamental barriers to engagement among those with
lower levels of educational achievement.”
Marketing professionals will be aware that social class A contains
the upper middle classes (higher managerial administrative or professional people), while class B contains the
middle classes (intermediate managerial, administrative or professional
people). Such people only saved some €13.27 during the year-long trial. Less than anyone else.
So, while I’m expecting that the professional classes will create more of a fuss about ensuring the data protection aspects of any smart metering programme fully comply with any regulation that can be thrown at it, those who may ultimately stand to benefit most from the process will be the plebs, who deserve an equal opportunity to get fully engaged in the relevant data protection debates.
Smart Metering Information Paper: Gas Customer Behaviour Trial Findings Report CER11180a, published by the Commission for Energy Regulation, October