In a ****DataGuidance exclusive**** which has just been published online, those intrepid journalists at DataGuidance report that the publication of the proposal for the review of the data protection directive has been postponed to late February/March.
The ****exclusive**** bit is that they have laid their hands on 3 of the 4 unfavourable opinions I was blogging about yesterday. And, they are making copies of these documents available to their subscribers. No, they didn’t get the copies from me. (But yes, they did ask me, and very nicely, too).
My guess is that this is the first commercial publishing house to report on the delay. The first legal firm to publish a report was, I think, Covington & Burlington. I read Mark Young’s posting about 27 hours ago. I have not seen an earlier blog posting to the one I published yesterday, reporting on the delay, but I am far too modest to blow my own trumpet.
I’m thinking about presenting one of the many bottles of Plymouth Gin that are on their way to me to the person who can claim to have been even faster to the internet than either Mark Young or me with news of the delay. If you think you were the first, then please contact me – with the evidence.
I’m expecting to see a few more “copy cat” articles in the days and weeks to come. Let’s see who can add how much more detail to this story.