Rather than write about something new, I thought I might take this opportunity to assess what I actually have written about over the past year.
A few issues have really taken my attention this year – they relate to communications data retention, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, surveillance, data breaches, fines and penalties when data controllers get it wrong, likely changes to data protection regulation, and of course, our old (and current) favourite, Google. I expect these matters will continue to occupy my thoughts, but I hope that they won’t be the only things that I’ll be writing about.
But that’s not all – reviewing my output over this period, I see that my mind has been drawn to a very wide range of other data protection issues. These have included the likely impact of the Digital Economy Act, notions of consent, how internet content is regulated, the Human Rights Convention, the Article 29 Working Party, training & raising awareness, as well as a host of other matters.
To try to put my output into some context I’ve created a birthday present to myself – an index of the significant blogs, which I’ve divided into 36 categories. I don’t see myself creating hyperlinks to each entry. This is enough of a guide, for the time being.
Anyway, I’ve appended it below, just in case anyone else is interested.
Applications for Mobile Devices: 10/03/2010
Article 29 Working Party: 01/08/2010, 09/08/2010, 11/08/2010, 28/10/2010
Behavioural Advertising: 06/01/2010, 13/06/2010, 21/06/2010, 22/06/2010, 26/06/2010, 29/06/2010, 23/10/2010
Big Brother Watch: 23/01/2010, 17/04/2010, 02/06/2010, 12/06/2010, 18/09/2010
Blogging rules: 13/11/2009, 25/08/2010
Communications Data Retention: 11/11/2009, 13/11/2009, 09/01/2010, 28/01/2010, 07/02/2010, 30/04/2010, 07/05/2010, 09/05/2010, 12/05/2010, 12/07/2010, 17/07/2010, 21/10/2010, 26/10/2010
Consent: 03/11/2009, 15/03/2010, 02/04/2010
Data Breaches: 07/11/2009, 28/03/2010, 01/05/2010, 05/06/2010, 15/07/2010, 13/10/2010, 19/10/2010
Data Directive - Revisions: 05/07/2010, 23/07/2010, 03/08/2010, 23/08/2010, 05/10/2010, 26/10/2010, 31/10/10
DEA / Peer to Peer file sharing: 05/11/2009, 02/02/2010, 06/04/2010, 07/04/2010, 13/10/2010
Demos: 22/03/2010
Facebook: 22/08/2010, 16/10/2010
Fining Powers & other penalties : 14/11/2009, 21/11/2009, 19/11/2009, 11/02/2010, 13/02/2010, 05/03/2010, 28/03/2010, 18/06/2010, 02/08/2010, 07/08/2010, 08/08/2010, 18/08/2010, 24/08/2010
Gen Election 2010 & Govt Policy: 17/04/2010, 20/04/2010, 08/05/2010, 13/05/2010, 19/09/2010
Global standards: 05/12/2009, 09/07/2010, 31/10/10
Google: 05/11/2009, 03/05/2010, 02/06/2010, 24/10/2010, 25/10/2010, 29/10/2010
Hoax 999 calls: 30/01/2010
Human Rights Convention: 28/01/2010
Identity Management: 24/01/2010, 20/02/2010, 01/11/2010
International Data Flows: 21/03/2010, 27/07/2010
International Data Protection Day: 29/01/2010
ICO staff & Annual Reports: 13/12/2009, 23/03/2010, 14/07/2010, 19/08/2010
Liberal Democratic Party: 16/07/2010
Location Based Services: 22/08/2010, 04/10/2010
Marketing: 11/03/2010
Privacy By Design: 10/07/2010
Registration Requirements: 07/03/2010
Privacy Policies: 13/03/2010
Personal Information Promise: 17/01/2010
Regulating Internet Content: 25/01/2010, 05/02/2010, 08/05/2010
RIPA: 26/01/2010, 19/02/2010, 28/02/2010, 27/03/2010, 14/04/2010, 19/06/2010, 20/06/2010, 30/07/2010, 08/08/2010, 26/08/2010
RFID Tags: 14/02/2010, 11/08/2010
Sharing Information: 29/03/2010
Statutory Instruments: 04/11/2009
Stockholm Programme: 12/02/2010
Training & Awareness: 28/11/2009, 15/02/2010, 19/03/2010, 20/03/2010, 17/08/2010