Every calamity provides an opportunity for someone to shine through.
So, following the launch by privacy authorities across the globe of investigations of Google's WiFi data collection, it’s time for Alma Whitten to show (more of) us what she’s made of. Alma has recently been appointed director of privacy for both engineering and product management. "Her focus will be to ensure that we build effective privacy controls into our products and internal practices," says Alan Eustace Google’s senior vice president of engineering.
"She has been our engineering lead on privacy for the last two years, and we will significantly increase the number of engineers and product managers working with her in this new role."
Google has also vowed to increase privacy training among its employees. "We’re enhancing our core training for engineers and other important groups (such as product management and legal) with a particular focus on the responsible collection, use and handling of data. Beginning in December, all employees will also go through a new information security awareness program, which will include "clear guidance on both security and privacy.What's more, engineering project leaders will keep a document detailing the privacy design of each project they work on. This document will record how user data is handled and will be reviewed regularly by managers, as well as by an independent internal audit team."
This is great news – and a well deserved appointment for a really nice person. I first met Alma about a year ago, while we were both working on a privacy initiative run by the think tank Demos. I was so impressed with her (many) abilities that I even blogged about her, with an ode penned in honour of her remarkable achievement in spearheading the development of the Google’s “Dashboard” control panel, which was unveiled at the Data Protection Commissioner’s conference in Madrid last November.
I don’t know if she’ll be attending next week’s Data Protection Commisisoner's conference, which will be held in Jerusalem. But if she is, and the spirit takes everyone, then may I suggest that they charge their glasses and wish her all the best in her new role. And, if the more musical among the fraternity wish to break into song, then can I suggest the following ditty, which can be sung to the tune of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic”.
I can do better than that – I can reproduce my blog posting for Friday 6 November 2009 right here:
According to my dictionary, an "ode" is "a lyric poem marked by lofty feeling and dignified style". So the following bit of doggerel is not an ode. But it is (somewhat) respectfully written - in homage to Google’s new “Dashboard” control panel, which enables people to more easily access and adjust their own privacy settings. The Dashboard was launched a couple of days ago, at a Data Protection conference in Madrid on 4 November.
I also (very) respectfully pay tribute both to Alma Whitten, Google’s software engineer for privacy & safety, while imitating the style (and using many of the phrases) of Julia W Howe who, during the American Civil War, wrote the original verses of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" in single evening at the Willard Hotel, Washington DC, on 18 November 1861. That's almost exactly 148 years ago.
This blog was crafted during the course of a single evening, too. And it shows.
I hope Alma won't be offended. I certainly don't mean to offend her. I met Alma last week at the Demos event in Bradford (which sparked my 2 November blog) and really enjoyed her easy manner, professionalism and deep commitment to fairness and transparency. She's one of Google's shining stars!
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Board;
It’s a simple way of knowing how your preferences are stored;
And soon it will be winning every privacy award;
It’s truth is marching on.
Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard! Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard!
Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard! The truth is marching on.
I've heard Alma speaking softly to a hundred data champs
They have builded her a platform for the evening dews and damps;
I can view her presentations by the dim and flaring lamps;
Her day is marching on.
Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard! Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard!
Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard! Her day is marching on.
I have read a fiery press release which really makes you feel
“You journalists are ignorant and just don’t get the deal”;
Let the Hero, born a woman, crush the serpent with her heel,
Since Alma’s marching on.
Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard! Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard!
Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard! Since Google's marching on.
Alma's helped to build a Dashboard where the picture is complete;
She is sorting out the hearts of men before they start to tweet;
Oh, with self control, now plead with her: Come photograph my street;
Our Alma’s marching on.
Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard! Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard!
Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard! And Google marches on.
In the beauty of the lilies she was born across the sea,
With a glory in her bosom that transfigures you and me:
As she works to make men useful, let us work to make men free;
While Alma marches on.
Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard! Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard!
Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard! While Google marches on.
She is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave,
She is wisdom to the mighty, She is honour to the brave;
I will start to use her Dashboard if you promise to behave,
As Alma marches on.
Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard! Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard!
Glory! Glory! It's the Dashboard! Yes, Google marches on.