"OMG! A bunch of academics, industry experts and real people actually want us to comment on their proposals for a privacy impact assessment.
What’s an RFID application all about anyway? It could only be doing stuff about things, rather than about people.
Bugger. This bunch have taken a year to write 25 pages. And they’ve got a diagram. Right, our opinion had better be almost half as long.
Nope. These muppets just don’t get it. That’s not a proper impact assessment. We’ll give it a D- and tell them to go away and think again.
... Let’s all get back together in Brussels soon. A bientôt! ... Grusse! ... Cheers!"
For the data protection professionals who need a little more substance about their views on the Industry Proposal for a Privacy and Data Protection Impact Assessment Framework for RFID Applications, the Article 29 Working Party’s full Opinion [5/2010], adopted on 13 July 2010, can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/justice_home/fsj/privacy/docs/wpdocs/2010/wp175_en.pdf
The Industry Proposal itself is found at